Community resources

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The following links are all Artifact-related community-made websites, servers, and services. As such, they are not directly connected to the Artifact Wiki, Valve, and our staff cannot guarantee that the following links are legitimate and safe.


Users of this wiki are free to suggest sites, services or other useful links they would like to see on this page. Suggestions should be made on the discussion page of this article or on the wiki discord. Adding links without consulting with Artifact Wiki admins will result in a warning. Malicious links and/or spam posted by users will be banned on a case by case basis.


We welcome any resources that:

  • Provide a safe place for community to grow - be that regional communities, forums for discussion.
  • Provide a genuinely helpful service to Artifact players or the community as a whole. Deck building sites, trading forums, etc.

Links are most likely to be removed if:

  • They contain content that breaks Artifacts\Steams Terms of Service
  • Are of no substance (dead or unused servers)
  • Are deemed inappropriate

All final decisions are made on the discretion of the Artifact Wiki staff.

If you are unsure if your addition is proper - please don't be afraid to ask!


Online Discussion Forums[edit]

  • - Discussion forums, news, and guides.
  • Artifaction - A project by SUNSfan, Slacks, bukka, Cyborgmatt & noxville. Includes multiple features, such as a Card gallery, Deck sharing & building, Community tournaments, Video guides & tutorials, Match histories & stats, and a Deck drafting assistant.

Discord servers[edit]

  • Official /r/Artifact server - The largest and most well-known server.
  • Artifact community - The Artifact Community Discord is a well organized laid-back server with regular events and reports for news on the game. Everyone is welcome and the community is always willing to lend a hand to those in need.
  • Artifact Brasil - servidor de Discord para a comunidade brasileira de Artifact. Teremos torneios internos e concursos quando o jogo sair.
  • Artifact Argentina - Comunidad de Artifact en Español. Únete y comparte con los demás miembros todo acerca del juego.
  • Artifact Ireland - If you are Irish (other nations are also welcome!) you have to visit our Discord! Great place with friendly and helpful people. If you have any question about Artifact you can just come in and ask! We will be trying to make Irish esport scene in Artifact after release.
  • ArtifactDE - Deutschsprachige Artifact Community für Theorie, Tourniere und Alles Andere. Anfänger sind im #einsteiger Kanal herzlich willkommen, Kampferprobte Spieler können über Drafting und Crafting in den competetive Kanälen diskutieren.

Trading Websites[edit]