Development team
This page exists to give a short summary of everyone currently confirmed to be working on Artifact.
Note that the actual size of the development team is not confirmed, there might be many more people working.
Source for the confirmation and contact information, if any, can be viewed in the specific pages of the dev team members.
Confirmed team[edit]
Lead / Game Design[edit]
- Alayna Danner
- Alix Branwyn
- Anthony Palumbo
- Bayard Wu
- Chase Stone
- Chris Rahn
- Chris Rallis
- Clint Cearley
- Daniel Romanovsky
- David Palumbo
- E.M. Gist
- Forrest Imel
- Jakub Kasper
- Jana Schirmer
- Jason Kang
- JiHun Lee ("Bsnake")
- Joseph Meehan
- Kieran Yanner
- Lake Hurwitz
- Lius Lasahido
- Magali Villeneuve
- Michael Kommark
- Mike Azevado
- Mike Lim ("Daarken")
- Pauline Voß
- Randy Vargas
- Sung Choi
- Titus Lunter
- Tyler Jacobson
- Vance Kovacs
- Wisnu Tan
- Yongjae Choi
Unconfirmed team[edit]
During an interview on February of 2017, Jeep Barnett stated that he was working on the same project as David Kircher and Paul Graham.
Supposing that said project was Artifact, this would give us information on two more team members.
- David Kircher - Gameplay Programmer.
- Paul Graham - Artist